Brenda A. Campbell, MSW/MBA President/CEO

Brenda A. Campbell, MSW/MBA
Brenda A. Campbell, MSW/MBA is the Founding CEO|President of Unlimited Services Systems Management and Consultants, Inc. (USSMC), an EDWOSB/WOSB/MBE/VOSB Small Business. USSMC, Inc is a successful graduate of the United States Small Business Administration (SBA)’s - 8(a) Business Development Program. In this capacity, Ms. Campbell has held this role for 35 years and successfully managed ​and directed the company’s operation with sixty diversified professionals for USSMC’s Management Consulting, Professional Service, Technology, Training, and Engineering Services Contract. Her ability to market and oversee the company’s business development efforts expanded her corporate customer base from a National Capital, Mid Atlantic, Gulf Coast and Southwest region presence in business throughout the Continental US on into 50 states to include: Hawaii, Alaska, US Territories - the American Samoa, Saipan, Guam, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Northern Marianas Islands.
Campbell’s proven achievements, acquired capabilities and reputation, landed her major customer contract opportunities in the following market industries: small business programs and economic development, technology, education, training, human services, social services, mental health, energy, defense, homeland security, personnel and labor relations, research, agriculture, housing, finance, contracts, acquisition, space exploration/applications, engineering, weather and satellite telecommunications environments. Her achievements have resulted in an impressive list of clients as can be found on her corporate website:
During Ms. Campbell’s tenure as a 40-year senior management executive consultant, executive coach, certified program/project manager, nationally recognized senior trainer and former federal contracts officer, she continues to deliver mission-critical results for all levels of multiple projects. She has created strategic alliances with top organizational leaders to effectively align their talented professionals with vital supportive corporate and governmental strategic plans, and compliance, while eliminating risks. In addition, she continues to ensure business process improvements and quality assurance initiatives and priorities are executed appropriately. Her extensive track record involves providing leadership/management, training, facilitation skills, organizational/human resource development, and therapeutic and career counseling seminars to thousands of clients. Her professional/corporate skill-sets involve the delivery of technical management services, ranging from individual to large-scale group consultation for the development and implementation of major program initiatives across the United States during the company’s entire total 33 years of operation.
She has successfully advised major decision-makers to include: several Undersecretaries, Congressional Officials, Executive Staff, Program Managers, Military Officials, OSDBUs Senior Level Staff, OSDBU Diversity Council, Contracts/Acquisition Staff and Secretaries of various federal & military departments. She has also served in an advisory capacity to various educational/college/university and business boards. Campbell served as the Commencement Speaker to over (200) graduates at the ITT Technical Small Business School Graduation.
With a passion, Campbell has trained over 50,000 plus small businesses on behalf of the SBA in all fifty states and an additional 5,000 thru her company also nationally. Guest Presenter for the National Veterans Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana for 5,000 veterans attendees. Honored at the Arlington National Memorial Cemetery Veteran Women’s Conference, sponsored by the SBA and US Treasury. Presenter for the US Department of Veterans Affairs (90) National Veterans Employee Coordinators, other small business development organizations and over 64,000 federal, state and local government senior executives and employees. She developed several small business proprietary trainings curriculums under what she calls her – “Real Truth Series” and a proprietary small business guide entitled “Direct U”.
Although her accolades are too numerous too mention, please find a few accomplishments: Under her leadership, USSMC was able to host, and plan an agenda and provide technical assistance for the former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s Johannesburg for the South African Human Rights and Justice Government System reorganizational Reform efforts. She coordinated with the South African Embassy in Washington, DC for the safe arrival of several official diplomats from the South African government for scheduled meetings in the US. Her company was among very few minority companies hold several major contracts with he National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration–(NOAA) addressing the GOES and POES Satellite for the National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS). She served as an advocate along w/other small businesses for the Federal Government’s EWOSB|WOSB-Women’s Set Aside Program at the U.S. Cannon Office Building. The bill was instituted and adopted back in February of 2011, where women now can be certified as either an EDWOSB or WOSB. The Defense Department also has adopted a policy to ensure women set aside programs for contracts in their department as a result of this stance and effort. She is a graduate of the Veterans Institute Procurement Program and served for a short time with Washington D.C. National Guards.
Academically, Brenda is a Masters Level Social Work/Business Administration Graduate (Specializing in Community Administration Policy Practice formerly: Macro Social Services Management and Business Administration).Her accolade includes being a Summa Cum Laude recipient and an Alumni of Howard University a private, research HBCU. Special Honorary honors was conferred upon Ms. Campbell through her completion of the Small Business Executive Education Advance Program offered by the Washington, D.C. District Office of (SBA)’s 8(a) Business Development Program’s Partnership with the University of Texas El Paso (UTEP)’s - Division of Professional and Continuing Education and Howard University (HU)’s School of Business - Executive Level Training Program for Government Contracting and Procurement Program and GOVCON Cyber Security Training.
To give back to the community, Campbell is the Founding/CEO for her own 501(c)(3) organization - The Enhancement Foundation Inc. since 2012. It is a women’s empowerment organization where her goal is to leave legacies for the next generation of women. She is a noted special guest presenter and business expert for various television shows to include Channel 6 WTVR's Virginia This Morning, News Channel 8 and News Channel 12. She wants to see people reach their unlimited potential and be able to leave legacies, especially women.
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